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SCSD Race Procedures in Depth:

1.) Racer has issues at ready strip-Racer has 30 seconds from Ready Strip after other opponent fires and heads to burnout box to get car started.

If he gets it started, he has an additional 15 seconds to get into the water box.

(other racer will be held for 30 seconds before being allowed to burnout while timer is going)

2.) Racer has issues in water box as other car does burn out - Racer will have 30 seconds to fire car or be DQ.

If racer gets car fired within 30 seconds, racer will have 15 seconds to hit a burnout and get to the start line or be DQ.

3.) NOTE: If racer is broken and or disqualified before he reaches the start line, he is out regardless of anything the other racer may faulter on while attempting to take a tree (red light, leave before the tree, cross centerline, break, there will be no rerun, and a ruling will be made on the other lane on if they get to move on to the next round at race directors' discretion)

4.) Racer Crosses Centerline or Hits a wall - If a racer crosses the centerline or hits a wall, that will take president over a redlight or a "leave before the tree is activated" situation, if the other racer faulters attempting to take the tree.

5.) Racers Crew and line up crew members please be aware of your feet placement in regard to pulling a car into the beams, it is your responsibility to not keep the pre stage light bulb lit with your foot, this could result in a DQ, quickly find the beam and remove your foot from the beam path!!!

6.) If you choose to go Deep, it is your responsibility to get in as quickly as possible, our starter will not hold the tree.

7.) If both cars roll the beams attempting to take a tree or red light, first car to do so is the loser.

8.) If neither car is able to take the beams or breaks their car in the beams, both cars will be DQ for not finishing the round.

9.) Courtesy Staging is in effect in multiple classes, please be aware of this, as multiple Double bulbs could be grounds for Disqualification.

10.) In Round-by-round competition, if your car is leaking fluids, it is at our staff's discretion to prevent dangerous scenarios. You can be disqualified for leaking fluids.

Round 1 of all classes is chip draw.

Round 2 racers will be chip drawn onto a ladder.

If you have any questions, please reach out to TJ Bailey or Eric McClelland.

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